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100,000 Mobile Ad Impressions!

Home/100,000 Mobile Ad Impressions
location based mobile advertising

Reach people based on where they are and where they have been using the We Mail America advanced targeting capabilities.

• Captures and measures offline behavior

• Is able to show store visitation post ad exposure

We can show you the exact date and time that the mobile device walked through the front door of your business.

Allows our clients to leverage their existing 1st party address data to extend the reach of their messaging.

We ingest and match the direct mail list to mobile ID. Advertisers can then create mobile, CTV/OTT, and/or desktop campaigns.

Proximity targeting is a radial fence around the center point of a retail location or POI that can be customized to any size down to a .25-mile radius.

Behavioral Targeting Demo Data

Behavioral Audience Targeting enables marketers to reach consumers based on demographic information and past visitation behavior to specific business locations or points of interest.